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Sense canvi de mida, 16:44, 7 des 2010
To restore Grub after installing Windows on a partition now
{{NoteNota|In step root (hd0, 1), corresponding to the first disco duro hd0 (sda), if our outside sdb or sdc disco pondríamos HD1 or HD2 1, respectively corresponding to the end that in reality sda2 ya empieza grub 0 and not afraid to tell by the hare as the first to gparted. Elegimos (hd0, 1) Because We have installed is the partition where the directory "/" in our system. }}
{{NoteNota|If not us shows up System-> Administration-> Gnome partition editor, a terminal and abrimos instalamos GParted (sue aptitude install gparted) and ya aparecerá us the menu. "}}