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Moure /home a altra partició

314 octets eliminats, 19:33, 25 des 2012
La guia està escrita de tal manera què en qualsevol moment si hi ha una falla en el sistema, tall d'energia o un reinici a l'atzar, no tindrà un impacte negatiu en el sistema. També estaria protegint contra la possibilitat que l'usuari elimine accidentalment el seu ''/home'' en el procés.
= Creating a new partition Configuració de la nova partició =Setting up /home on a separate partition is beneficial because your settingsAbans de configurar la partició, files, and desktop will be maintained if you upgradeprimer s'ha de crear una nova. Això es pot fer amb ''Gparted'' o qualsevol altre programa de gestió de particions. Normalment, qualsevol distribució autònoma de linux (reLive CD)install Ubuntu or another distroporta l'aplicació Gparted instal·lada. This works because Quan creeu una nova partició és molt recomanable que siga del tipus ext3 o ext4 (el mateix que tingueu per al sistema de fitxers ''/home has a subdirectory for each user's settings and files which contain all the data & settings of that user. Also, fresh installs for linux typically like to wipe whatever partition they are being installed to so either the data & settings need to be backed-up elsewhere or else avoid the fuss each time by having ') per albergar la nova carpeta ''/home on a different partition''.  == Setup Partitions ==This is beyond the scope of this page. [[HowtoPartition|Try here if you need help]]. Memorize or write down the location of the partitionMemoritzeu o anoteu la ubicació de la partició, something like serà una cosa com ''/sda3'' o ''/hda5'' o alguna cosa semblant. When you do create a new partition it is highly suggested that you create an ext3 or ext4 partition to house your new home directory. 
== Find the uuid of the Partition ==
== Copy /home to the New Partition ==
Next we will copy all files, directories and sub-directories from your current /home directory into the new partition:
== Preparing fstab for the switch ==
We now need to modify the fstab again to point to the new partition and mount it as /home. So again on a command-line
Then, press Save, close the file but don't reboot just yet.
== Moving /home into /old_home ==
As long as you have not rebooted yet, you will still see 2 copies of your /home directory; the new one on the new partition (currently mounted as /media/home) and the old one still in the same partition it was always in (currently mounted as /home). We need to move the contents of the old home directory out of the way and create an empty "placeholder" directory to act as a mount point for our new partition.
With your fstab now edited to mount your new partition to our /home placeholder and the original /home now called /old_home, reboot your computer. Your new partition will mount as /home and everything should look exactly the same as it did before you started.
== Deleting the old Home ==
You can delete your old home directory with: