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En:MaKey MaKey Quickstart Guide

3 bytes afegits, 17:26, 14 març 2017
MaKey Key-Making Materials
- A connection to a MaKey MaKey input. This can be done using alligator clips on the top side, or jumper wires on the bottom.
- Connection to a MaKey MaKey ground (Earth). Again, you’ll connect to earth using either alligator clips or jumper wires.
- Some sort of key material. This is the fun/creative part! There’s a world of MaKey MaKey keys out there. Anything that’s even slightly conductive is just waiting to become a computer input. The classics, of course, are your fingers, bananas, and pencil scratchings.
- Something to activate the key, by connecting between the key material and the ground input. Your fingers work pretty well for this. Anything even slightly conductive will do though.